How would you comprehend when you really want a spine medical procedure?

Senior man suffering from pain in back. Elderly man having discus hernia

It can be challenging to determine when back surgery is the best course of action versus when non-operative treatment is an effective alternative. There are conservative, nonsurgical therapy options available for practically all causes of back pain, even as it progresses from acute to subacute chronic. Associated discomfort or numbness that travels down one or […]

Spine Surgery: Do’s & Don’ts for Successful Recovery

Spine Surgery - Do's & Don’ts for Successful Recovery

One of the most important things you can do to ensure a successful back surgery recovery is to follow your surgeon’s instructions. This includes everything from when to start physical therapy to how often to take pain medication. In addition to following your surgeon’s orders, there are a few other things you can do to help […]

Everything You Should Know About Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is a very common problem that is nowadays seen among all age groups, some people may face only some discomfort while some people may experience severe pain which could face a lot of problems. But, if you understanding what causes back pain can help you minimize the symptoms or avoid the pain […]

Different Types of Spine Surgery

The spine is a very important part of our body as it gives stability & strength to our body whenever we move so any problems in the spine should be addressed and you should consult the orthopedician as soon as you face any problem in your spine.  Doctors first try the invasive methods like injections […]