Types of Bone Fractures

bone fracture

In this blog, Dr. Uday – The best Orthopedic Doctor in Vadodara presents the 12 types of bone fractures with detailed information:

#1 Avulsion Fracture

Avulsion fracture is when A ligament or muscle pulls against the bone, breaking it and fracturing it.

#2 Comminuted Fracture

Comminuted fracture is a bone that has been broken into a number of pieces.

#3 Compression (crush) Fracture

Compression (crush) fractures typically is found in the spongy bone within the spine or by a blunt force from the hand. For instance the front of a vertebra’s spine could collapse due to osteoporosis or by hitting the tip of a finger.

Fracture dislocation occurs when A joint gets dislocated while one of the bones in the joint is fractured. They are more severe than normal fractures.

The bone is broken on one side, however, it doesn’t break completely as the remainder of the bone is able to be bent. It is more prevalent among children who have bones that are soft and more flexible.

#4 Hairline Fracture

Hairline fracture is a small fracture in the bone. This kind of fracture is difficult to spot with routine radiographs. When the bone has been fractured, the bone fragments split into the next.

#5 Intraarticular Fracture

Intraarticular fracture is in which the fracture extends to the joint’s surface.

#6 Longitudinal fracture

Longitudinal fracture runs in the middle of bone.

#7 Oblique Fracture

Oblique fracture is a bone fracture that diagonal to the bones long axis.

#8 Pathological Fracture

A pathological fracture occurs when an underlying condition or disease has already compromised the bone, which results in fracture (bone fractures caused by an underlying condition or disease that weakens the bones).

#9 Spiral Fracture

Spiral fracture is an injury where at the very least one piece in the bone was bent.

#10 Stress Fractures

Stress fractures are more common in athletes. The bone is broken due to repetitive strains and stresses.

#11 Torus Fracture

In this Torus (buckle) fracture the bone is deforms but does not crack. Most often seen among children. It can be painful but is also stable.

#12 Transverse Fracture

Transverse fracture is an unbroken fracture that runs straight across the bone.

If you are searching for the top orthopedic hospital in Vadodara for any fracture treatment then contact on +91-9978993832 or udaymeghnathi@gmail.com today!

Related Article: https://doctorudayortho.blogspot.com/2022/06/what-is-bone-fracture.html